Thursday, July 31, 2014

Building a House of Joy

You know those houses made out of cards?  The ones that you made as a kid out of a deck of cards.  It was so hard to set the cards up just right and then wham, your dog or brother would come by and knock it all down.  Darn!

Well that's how I felt like when my world crumbled after losing my beloved husband.  The one thing though that sustained me and helped me withstand the emotional strain was that I did foundation energy practices for many years. As a new student of Master Sha, my spiritual father and teacher I listened and followed his guidance.  Master Sha told his students to do one hour of practice every day and I faithfully did for almost eight years.  

You have five energy centers in your body:  Lower Dan Tian, Snow Mountain Area, Message Center, Zu Qiao, and Third Eye.  You can read more about the body's energy centers in Master Sha's book, Soul Mind Body Medicine.  Developing these energy centers is the key to preventing illness, maintaining good health and prolonging life.  

To keep and maintain the joy within your body, you need to do a daily energy practice.  I want to teach you a daily practice, starting with the Lower Dan Tian.  Please click on my Blog Radio link to hear the how to do the practice.

Do the Lower Dan Tian practice for a week and let me know how it affects you.  I am certain you will feel the difference and if you don't that just means you need to practice more.

A solid foundation is the key to sustaining your body's house of joy.


Blog Talk Radio Link:


  1. What blessings! Master Sha is offering the Ultimate Divine Committee JOY soul mind body transplants. This is a huge gift to receive this permanent treasure. It will bring joy to every part of your body, your mind, emotions and spirit. How incredible it would be to have joy flowing from within. You can find this Divine download on under Sunday Divine Blessings.

  2. Dear Master Diane,

    I love this teaching! I certainly never saw the foundational practices as a powerful house of joy and I will definitly practice! How great that the Divine and Master Sha are offering this huge treasure, I am going to sign up immediately!!

    With deep gratitude, Nina
