Friday, November 7, 2014

Stumbling Into The Tao

Many people know the definition of the Tao, but do they really KNOW the Tao? According to Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha's Tao II book, Tao is: 
  • The Way 
  • The source and creator of all things
  • Emptiness and nothingness
  • Universal principles and laws
  • Cannot be explained in words or comprehended by thought
For me, I can't explain exactly what is the Tao.  I can only share my experiences with the Tao and then perhaps you will understand what I mean. 

Last year, I didn't plan to attend the Tao I-IV retreats in Colorado because my husband and I went to Hokkaido, Japan the month before.  I thought I couldn't afford to attend the Tao retreat after going to Japan.

A few days after I returned from Japan, I was driving my van and got into a huge three car accident.  I hit two small cars, one driven by a 85 year old man and the other by a young mother.  Normally, the mother has her baby in the back seat where I hit her and fortunately she didn't that day.  My big van was totally damaged in the front that two airbags went off.  The other cars had very little damage.

When my husband came to the accident site, he asked me why I didn't step on the brakes.  He knew this because his business is assessing car damage from accidents.  I told my husband it was like an inertia force that I could not stop or react in anyway.  I started crying as I described what I saw with my Third Eye of how the accident was supposed to happen. I saw my car enter the intersection, hit the first car hard, that impact turned my car towards the next on-coming car.   The second car would slam into me directly and I would be paralyzed or dead and the other people seriously hurt.  I clearly knew it was my karma. The next thing out of my mouth was, I really need to go to the Tao retreats!

When karma hits you, you are powerless.  This is a sharing by Master Peter Hudoba and widely taught by Master Sha.  I knew I needed to be in the presence of the most benevolent Tao Master,  spiritual teacher and unconditional servant, Master Sha.  For the gratitude of not harming another person or hurting myself, to ask forgiveness for ignoring the calling of my spiritual teacher and the Tao, and to clear my present and future karma, it was imperative that I be there.  

I did go and melded with the Tao in heart, soul, mind and body.  As a result, thankfully the people in the accident weren't hurt.  My car insurance paid for all their car damages and my premiums weren't at all affected.  

In hindsight, I was glad that I went to Japan with my husband because it was the last time we traveled together before he passed away.  The blessings of the Tao retreat carried me throughout the ordeal of my husband's illness and dying. It sustained me through it all.

If the Tao is calling you, there is a karmic reason.  Open your heart to the calling for it may save your life and help you serve another person's soul journey.  The Tao can best be understood by experiencing it.

Thank you Master Sha for inviting me to step into the Tao.  I'm only sorry that I had to learn the hard way before I answered the call.  Much gratitude for continuing to invite me.

All my aloha,

Master Diane
Registration Link to the Tao Retreats
November 11-28, 2014

1 comment:

  1. TY Master Diane for your clear, heartfelt sharing of experiencing and following the Tao. I hope I can be as clear in my life. I had an accident yesterday where the radiator in our car blew out with smoke billowing alongside and out the back of our car on the freeway. I pulled over immediately and wondered why I wasn't going where I thought we were supposed to go. We were towed by two trucks - first to a restaurant so we could get dinner. Then the second truck towed us for a couple hours back home. The driver even stopped and bought us a couple bottles of water! I asked my soul and the soul of Master Sha to bless these drivers who worked to assist others in moments of high stress. During the whole what would normally have been an 'ordeal,' I remained calm, and was grateful no one was hurt and we returned home safely. My husband was very pleasant during the entire experience too. I had invited his soul to do forgiveness practice with me and chant as service during our drive to our destination. I'm sure the 'lesson' will continue to play out as the days progress in 2015. I look forward to future posts. LYLYLY. TYTYTY.
