Previewing the Tao Creations:
When Master Sha mentioned that he was coming to Hawaii for two months, the local masters and students screamed in delight and sheer joy. We could not believe our happiest wish had come true because everyone’s soul journey would be served by his presence.
Due to Master Sha’s kind heart, he created 26 calligraphies for the Tao Healing Center in Honolulu. We brought those calligraphies to the event room. Master Sha created 20 more calligraphies. He then asked the few Divine Channels and students to experience these 46 calligraphies for two minutes.
In those two short minutes, I felt like my whole soul, heart, mind and body were being cleansed, maintained and nurtured mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I went into the empty space and felt the highest Source love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, blessings, harmony and much, much more that was indescribable and I felt so peacefully connected and one. There upon my soul just started crying with deeper gratitude, happiness and joy. And, that was only two minutes but seemed like it went on forever.
Entering the Tao Chang Space:
In my arrival and haste to do my tasks, I didn’t notice the overall event room in the Queen Kapiolani space. I was totally focused on doing preparations for the event and suddenly, I started to experience deep purification and testing. I felt sad, my physical body started to ache and I became agitated, stressed and unhappy. I thought it was coming from the pressure of doing the event. As the tears flowed down my eyes and Master Pam tried to comfort me, I looked up and saw the most magnificent, unconditional soul servants all around the room. There were 38 Tao Source Calligraphies hung up in the room. The calligraphies were sending me Tao unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and light. I immediately asked for forgiveness to the Source Calligraphies for not honoring these sacred Source treasures. Once I did that my whole body became peaceful, calm and ready to do my tasks in complete love, peace and harmony for the event. Again tears flowed from my eyes feeling the benevolent love of Master Sha as the creator of these Source calligraphies and just so much gratitude that everyone can be served with this pure Tao servants. This is when I realized I was in a Tao Source Field.
The Miracle Healing in the Tao Chang:
Master Sha asked if anyone would like to be a healing demonstration. Dr. Raj Kumar came up wearing a neck and back brace. He said he had been in a car accident eight years ago and had been suffering sever pains in his back and neck with no relief in spite of medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, and other natural treatments and more. Nothing alleviated the pain no matter what he did. The ironic thing was that Dr. Raj is a healer himself being a psychologist and natural practitioner. As a healer, he said even a healer needs healing.
Master Sha asked what was Dr. Raj’s pain level and it was 10 and constant. As he stood on the stage, I could see his legs shaking from the pain. Master Pam was asked to do a Soul Operation, Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission for his spine and then do 9 Ha’s for the Miracle Healing. After that all the other Divine Channels came up to do more Ha’s. At the end Master Sha did a boost for the Miracle Healing Ha.
Dr. Raj’s pain went from a level 10 down to 0. You could clearly see him walking with a easier stride and his face lit up from finally being pain free. The audience was totally amazed and clapping happily for Master Sha and Dr. Raj’s healing. All Divine Channels were cheering and bowing to the power given through Master Sha of the Tao Source healing.
As a Divine Channel of Master Sha, witnessing this kind of miracle healing is my greatest joy. This is what we want for every single person who is suffering and hurting. There could be no greater purpose in life than to serve humanity and all souls in this very special way.
Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo (thank you, thank you, thank you) Master Sha!
You are truly the Miracle Healer of the Tao Source. Thank you for your unconditional heart and soul to serve those who cannot help themselves and for allowing us to become your Divine Channels and Worldwide Representatives to serve all humanity and all souls.
You bring hope and the possibility of happiness equally to all.
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